2022-03-04 23:02 来源:未知


Warm, Quick-Drying, Stylish

年度旅行心愿清单里,滑雪正悄然成为度假休闲的Top之选。The North Face “热雪来疯”系列以保暖、舒适、速干为特色,期待着你叫上家人、雪友,一起穿戴齐整,放飞自我,破雪乘风。

Skiing is now one of the top options on people’s wish lists for their annual vacation. The “Snow Is Hot” collection from The North Face™ features warmth, comfort and quick-drying functions making it a perfect match for the occasion. This collection encourages you to dress up and gather together with family members and “snow friends”, braving the snow and raging winds to set your inner selves free.




自2017年正式进入滑雪领域以来,The North Face即开启永不止息的冰雪探索。今冬,品牌依旧保持户外元素优势,将其对穿戴科技的更深理解融入设计,带来拥有美式外观的专业雪服。无论冬季都市还是林间雪场,时尚的外观与优异的性能,足以让职业滑雪运动员、资深滑雪人士及业余滑雪爱好者都能在雪上运动中找到最佳状态,抛开恶劣环境、自身水平等带来的种种负担,自在享受最燃的冬日时光。

Since it marched into the skiing sector in 2017, The North Face™ has embarked on a ceaseless exploration into the world of snow. This winter, the brand retains its advantages in outdoor elements and offers professional American-style jackets, integrating its profound understanding of wearable technology into the collection. The stylish look and excellent performance make it possible for professional, experienced or amateur skiers to be at their best when engaging in snow sports both in winter urban settings and ski resorts in the world’s forests. They will be free from any pressure that comes with the hostile environment or their own capabilities, and get to enjoy an outstanding wintertime.



The attire in the “Snow Is Hot” collection features the Windwall™ fabric, which considerably reduces the effects of cold winds, and provides breathability that allows the wearer to stay comfortable without overheating. Drawing on the design ideas of ski jackets, this collection offers excellent flexibility, wind resistance, breathability and waterproofing. When hiking or skiing, it keeps the traveler warm and dry, even if running into thigh-deep snow or a rainstorm. The typical American-style prints make the attire versatile in everyday life as an indispensable fashion item.



想要“热雪来疯”,鞋履是一大关键。轻质时尚的“热雪来疯”系列男款鞋履以ThermoBall™保暖纤维填充鞋身,结合轻便灵活的防水结构和方便穿脱的内侧拉链设计,在寒冬的户外运动中能够保持轻盈。此外Ozone Park女款鞋履采用极为舒适的XtraFoamTM中底设计配合合成保暖纤维以及防水结构,在寒冷潮湿的天气里,为双脚提供出色保护。露营、滑雪、在寒冷冬季的清晨迈过厚厚的积雪出门取物,或是最平常的冬季休闲漫步穿着,鞋履们卓越的舒适性,让你穿上它便情不自禁走出室内,爱上快意潇洒的冬季娱乐。

If you want to experience “Snow Is Hot,” shoes in the collection are not to be missed. Lightweight and stylish, men’s shoes feature ThermoBall™ synthetic insulation in combination with lightweight and flexible waterproof construction and a medial zipper for quick and easy putting on and taking off, allowing you to remain flexible when engaging in outdoor sports in the biting cold winter. Moreover, the women’s Ozone Park Winter Pull-On Boot features a highly comfy XtraFoamTM midsole with synthetic insulation and waterproof construction. They are designed to protect your feet from the cold and wet weather and are also ideal for camping or skiing. When you shuffle through the snow to grab something early in the winter morning or are simply roaming around for daily leisure in wintertime, with the excellent comfort of these shoes, you will find yourself walking out of your house and falling in love with winter sports.



Backpacks in this collection are as lightweight and durable as always. They support heavy loads, while shedding weight. They stand out among all the other counterparts. Many products feature ample internal stash space and external pockets, allowing for the easy carrying of all kinds of backcountry skiing gear such as skis or boards. The fresh and stylish look, together with powerful functionality, makes it possible for skiers to have fun both in urban settings and outdoors in winter with just a backpack.


“热雪来疯”系列秉承了品牌的专业运动基因,参考2018年冬季奥运会美国自由式滑雪队队服设计,以时尚外观和专业科技为全球职业滑雪运动员、资深滑雪人士及业余滑雪爱好者提供更专业的冬季户外解决方案。未来,The North Face还将继续在专业维度上拓展产品性能,尽情期待。

The “Snow Is Hot” collection inherits the professional sports gene of the brand and references the uniform of the US freestyle skiing team in the 2018 Winter Olympics. It sets out to provide more professional winter outdoor solutions to full-time professional, experienced and amateur skiers with stylish looks and professional technology. In the future, The North Face™ will continue to expand the professional performance of these products. Stay tuned!

关于The North Face®北面

The North Face成立于1966年,是美国上市公司VF集团的重要一员,总部位于美国加利福尼亚州一个获得LEED百金级认证的节能环保产业园内, 致力于为户外运动员的每一次严酷探险提供专业装备。

“The North Face®”这个名称源于山上最冷、最难攀爬的北坡。形象来源是Half Dome,这座来自美国加利福利亚州Yosemite National Park(优胜美地国家公园)里的山峰,因此中文名为“北面”,意味着探索最难最险的户外精神。1997年,The North Face采用全新的宣传标语——“探索永不停止”,从此成为品牌最重要的精神口号。

作为当今全球户外运动领导品牌,The North Face以经过运动员测试探索、适应各类户外需求的产品帮助世人探索、挑战人类潜能的极限;与此同时,品牌始终致力于保护户外环境,通过各类可持续发展项目将人类对自然环境所产生的影响降到最低。The North Face产品在全球各地优质专业运动零售商店有售。了解更多信息,敬请登陆



About The North Face®

The North Face was established in 1966 and is a member of the VF America group. The headquarters in located in California’s LEED Gold Grade certified energy conservation and environmental protection industrial park. The North Face is dedicated to providing athletes with professional equipment for a range of outdoor activities.

The name The North Face is derived from the coldest and most difficult climb on the north sierra. The image is sourced from Half Dome, a mountain in Yosemite Nation Park, which is why the Chinese title translates to “North,” a name that evokes the challenges of outdoor adventure. In 1997, The North Face adopted the slogan, “Never Stop Exploring,” a phrase that embodies the spirit of travel and has became the most important slogan of the brand.

As the leading global brand for outdoor sports, The North Face is constantly experimenting in creating products that meet the needs of users to help them explore the world and challenge the limits of human potential. Furthermore, the brand has always been committed to protecting the environment reducing the eco-footprint of humans through various sustainable development initiatives. The North Face products are available in professional sports retail outlets around the world. For more information, please visit

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